sc JNTUA R20 Applied Physics Syllabus 2021 – Cynohub


JNTUA R20 Applied Physics Syllabus 2021

JNTUA R20 Syllabus

JNTUA R20 Applied Physics Syllabus 2021

JNTUA R20 Applied Physics Syllabus along with Course Objectives and Course outcome and list of textbook and reference books is mentioned in this blog. The subject of Applied Physics has 5 units in total. Topic and sub-topics of Applied Physics are mentioned below in detail. If you have any problem in understanding Applied Physics any other Engineering Subject in any semester or in any year then you can view the video lectures on the official CynoHub app.


JNTUA R20 Applied Physics Syllabus Unit 1

Wave Optics

Interference Principle of superposition Interference of light Conditions for sustained interference
Interference in thin films (Reflection Geometry) Colors in thin films Newton’s Rings
Determination of wavelength and refractive index.
Diffraction Introduction Fresnel and Fraunhofer diffraction Fraunhofer diffraction due to single
slit, double slit and Nslits (qualitative) Grating spectrum.

Polarization Introduction Types of polarization Polarization by reflection, refraction and double
refraction Nicol’s Prism Half wave and Quarter wave plates with applications.

JNTUA R20 Applied Physics Syllabus Unit 2

Lasers and Fiber optics

Lasers Introduction Characteristics of laser Spontaneous and Stimulated emission of radiation
Einstein’s coefficients Population inversion Lasing action Pumping mechanisms NdYAG
laser HeNe laser Applications of lasers.

Fiber optics Introduction Principle of optical fiber Acceptance Angle Numerical Aperture
Classification of optical fibers based on refractive index profile and modes Propagation of
electromagnetic wave through optical fibers Propagation Losses (qualitative) Applications.

JNTUA R20 Applied Physics Syllabus Unit 3

Dielectric and Magnetic Materials

Dielectric Materials Introduction Dielectric polarization Dielectric polarizability, Susceptibility
and Dielectric constant Types of polarizations: Electronic, Ionic and Orientation polarizations
(Qualitative) Lorentz internal field ClausiusMossotti equation.
Magnetic Materials Introduction Magnetic dipole moment Magnetization Magnetic
susceptibility and Permeability Origin of permanent magnetic moment Classification of magnetic
materials: Dia, para & FerroDomain concept of Ferromagnetism (Qualitative) Hysteresis Soft and
Hard magnetic materials.

JNTUA R20 Applied Physics Syllabus Unit 4

Quantum Mechanics Free Electron Theory and Band theory of Solids
Quantum Mechanics Dual nature of matter Schrodinger’s time independent and dependent wave
equation Significance of wave function Particle in a onedimensional infinite potential well.
Free Electron Theory Classical free electron theory (Merits and demerits only) Quantum free
electron theory Equation for electrical conductivity based on quantum free electron theory Fermi
Dirac distribution Density of states Fermi energy.
Band theory of Solids Bloch’s Theorem (Qualitative) KronigPenney model (Qualitative) E vs K
diagram Classification of crystalline solids Effective mass of electron m* vs K diagram
Concept of hole.

JNTUA R20 Applied Physics Syllabus Unit 5

Semiconductors and Superconductors

Semiconductors Introduction Intrinsic semiconductors Density of charge carriers Electrical
conductivity Fermi level Extrinsic semiconductors Density of charge carriers Dependence of
Fermi energy on carrier concentration and temperature Drift and diffusion currents Einstein’s
equation Direct and indirect band gap semiconductors Hall effect Hall coefficient Applications
of Hall effect.
Superconductors Introduction Properties of superconductors Meissner effect Type I and Type
II superconductors BCS theory Josephson effects (AC and DC) High Tc superconductors
Applications of superconductors.

JNTUA R20 Applied Physics Syllabus Course Objectives

  • To make a bridge between the physics in school and engineering courses.
  • To identify the importance of the optical phenomenon i.e. interference, diffraction and
    polarization related to its Engineering applications
  • To understand the mechanisms of emission of light, the use of lasers as light sources
    for low and high energy applications, study of propagation of light wave through
    optical fibres along with engineering applications.
  • To explain the significant concepts of dielectric and magnetic materials that leads to
    potential applications in the emerging micro devices.
  • To enlighten the concepts of Quantum Mechanics and to provide fundamentals of
    de’Broglie waves, quantum mechanical wave equation and its applications, the
    importance of free electron theory and band theory of solids.
  • Evolution of band theory to distinguish materials, basic concepts and transport
    phenomenon of charge carriers in semiconductors. To give an impetus on the subtle
    mechanism of superconductors using the concept of BCS theory and their fascinating

JNTUA R20 Applied Physics Syllabus Course Outcomes

At the end of this unit, the student will be able to

  • Classify the energy bands of semiconductors (L2)
  • Interpret the direct and indirect band gap semiconductors (L2)
  • Identify the type of semiconductor using Hall effect  
  • Identify applications of semiconductors in electronic devices  
  • Explain how electrical resistivity of solids changes with temperature 
  • Classify superconductors based on Meissner’s effect 
  • Explain Meissner’s effect, BCS theory & Josephson effect in superconductors 

JNTUA R20 Applied Physics Syllabus Reference Books

  • Engineering Physics Shatendra Sharma, Jyotsna Sharma, Pearson Education, 2018
  • Engineering Physics K. Thyagarajan, McGraw Hill Publishers
  • Engineering Physics Sanjay D. Jain, D. Sahasrambudhe and Girish, University Press
  • Semiconductor physics and devices Basic principle Donald A, Neamen, Mc Graw Hill

Scoring Marks in JNTUA R20 Applied Physics Syllabus

Scoring good grades in Applied Physics is a difficult task. CynoHub is here to help. We have made a video which will help Engineering Students get rank 1 in their exams this video will help students to score good grades in Applied Physics. There are many reasons that scoring in Applied Physics exams is difficult so this video will help you to rectify the mistakes students make in exams.


JNTUA R20 Applied Physics Syllabus was made clear in this article. To know about the syllabus of other Engineering Subjects of JNTUK check out the official CynoHub application. Click below to download the CynoHub application.


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