sc JNTUA R20 B.Tech Engineering-Chemistry Syllabus 2021 – Cynohub


JNTUA R20 B.Tech Engineering-Chemistry Syllabus 2021

JNTUA R20 Syllabus

JNTUA R20 B.Tech Engineering-Chemistry Syllabus 2021

JNTUA R20 Chemistry Syllabus along with Course Objectives and Course outcome and list of textbook and reference books is mentioned in this blog. The subject of Chemistry has 5 units in total. Topic and sub-topics of Chemistry are mentioned below in detail. If you have any problem in understanding Chemistry any other Engineering Subject in any semester or in any year then you can view the video lectures on the official CynoHub app.


JNTUA R20 Chemistry Syllabus Unit 1

Structure and Bonding Models:

Planck’s quantum theory, dual nature of matter, Schrodinger equation, significance of Ψ and Ψ2,
applications to hydrogen, molecular orbital theory bonding in homo and heteronuclear diatomic
molecules energy level diagrams of O2 and CO, etc. πmolecular orbitals of butadiene and benzene,
calculation ofbond order.

JNTUA R20 Chemistry Syllabus Unit 2

Modern Engineering materials:

Coordination compounds: Crystal field theory salient features splitting in octahedral and
tetrahedral geometry. Properties of coordination compoundsOxidation state, coordination, magnetic and
Semiconductor materials, super conductors basic concept, band diagrams for conductors,
semiconductors and insulators, Effect of doping on band structures.
Supercapacitors: Introduction, Basic conceptClassification Applications.
Nanochemistry: Introduction, classification of nanometerials, properties and applications of
Fullerenes, carbonnano tubes and Graphines nanoparticles.

JNTUA R20 Chemistry Syllabus Unit 3

Electrochemistry and Applications:

Electrodes concepts, reference electrodes (Calomel electrode, Ag/AgCl electrode and glass
electrode); Electrochemical cell, Nernst equation, cell potential calculations and numerical problems,
potentiometry potentiometric titrations (redox titrations), concept of conductivity, conductivity cell,
conductometric titrations (acidbase titrations).
Electrochemical sensors potentiometric sensors with examples, amperometric sensors with
Primary cells Zincair battery, Secondary cells NickelCadmium (NiCad),and lithium ion batteries
working of the batteries including cell reactions; Fuel cells, hydrogenoxygen, methanol fuel cells
working of the cells.

JNTUA R20 Chemistry Syllabus Unit 4

Polymer Chemistry:

Introduction to polymers, functionality of monomers, chain growth and step growth polymerization,
coordination polymerization, copolymerization (stereospecific polymerization) with specific examples
and mechanisms of polymer formation.
Plastics Thermoplastics and Thermosettings, Preparation, properties and applications of PVC,
Teflon, Bakelite, Nylon6,6, carbon fibres.
ElastomersBunaS, BunaNpreparation, properties and applications.
Conducting polymers polyacetylene, polyaniline, polypyrroles mechanism of conduction and

JNTUA R20 Chemistry Syllabus Unit 5

Instrumental Methods and Applications

Electromagnetic spectrum. Absorption of radiation: BeerLambert’s law. Principle and applications of
pH metry, UVVisible,IR Spectroscopies. SolidLiquid ChromatographyTLC, retention time.

JNTUA R20 Chemistry Syllabus Course Objectives

  • To familiarize engineering chemistry and its applications
  • To train the students on the principles and applications of electrochemistry and polymers
  • To introduce instrumental methods, molecular machines and switches

JNTUA R20 Chemistry Syllabus Course Outcomes

At the end of the course, the students will be able to

  • Demonstrate the corrosion prevention methods and factors affecting corrosion 
  • Explain the preparation, properties, and applications of thermoplastics & thermosetting, elastomers & conducting polymers.
  • Explain calorific values, octane number, refining of petroleum and cracking of oils
  • Explain the setting and hardening of cement and concrete phase
  • Summarize the concepts of colloids, micelle and nanomaterials 

JNTUA R20 Chemistry Syllabus Reference Books

  • G.V.Subba Reddy, K.N.Jayaveera and C. Ramachandraiah
  • Engineering Chemistry, Mc Graw Hill, 2020. Skoog and West, Principles of Instrumental Analysis, 6/e,
  • Thomson, 2007. H.F.W. Taylor, Cement Chemistry 2/e, Thomas Telford Publications, 1997. D.J. Shaw
  • Introduction to Colloids and Surface Chemistry, Butterworth–Heineman,1992.

Scoring Marks in JNTUA R20 Chemistry Syllabus

Scoring good grades in Chemistry is a difficult task. CynoHub is here to help. We have made a video which will help Engineering Students get rank 1 in their exams this video will help students to score good grades in Chemistry. There are many reasons that scoring in Chemistry exams is difficult so this video will help you to rectify the mistakes students make in exam.

JNTUA R20 Chemistry Syllabus was made clear in this article. To know about the syllabus of other Engineering Subjects of JNTUK check out the official CynoHub application. Click below to download the CynoHub application.


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