sc JNTUK R20 B.Tech Engineering Geology Syllabus 2021 – Cynohub


JNTUK R20 B.Tech Engineering Geology Syllabus 2021

JNTUK Syllabus R20

JNTUK R20 B.Tech Engineering Geology Syllabus 2021

JNTUK R20 Engineering Geology Syllabus along with Course Objectives and Course outcome and list of textbook and reference books is mentioned in this blog. The subject of Engineering Geology has 5 units in total. Topic and sub-topics of  Engineering Geology are mentioned below in detail. If you have any problem in understanding Engineering Geology or any other Engineering Subject in any semester or in any year then you can view the video lectures on the official CynoHub app.

JNTUK R20 Engineering Geology Syllabus Unit - 1:

Introduction: Branches of Geology, Importance of Geology in Civil Engineering with case studies. Weathering:  Weathering  of  rocks,  Geological  agents,  weathering  process  of  Rock,  Rivers  and geological work of rivers.

JNTUK R20 Engineering Geology Syllabus Unit - 2:
Mineralogy and Petrology

Definitions  of  mineral  and  rock-Different  methods  of  study  of  mineral and rock. Physical properties of  minerals and rocks  for megascopic study  for the following  minerals and  rocks.  Common  rock  forming  minerals:  Feldspar,  Quartz  Group,  Olivine,  Augite,  Hornblende, Mica Group, Asbestos, Talc, Chlorite, Kyanite, Garnet, Calcite and ore forming  minerals are Pyrite, Hematite, Magnetite, Chlorite, Galena, Pyrolusite, Graphite, Chromite, Magnetite and Bauxite. Classification,  structures,  textures  and  forms  of  Igneous  rocks,  Sedimentary  rocks,  Metamorphic rocks, and their megascopic study of granite varieties, (pink, gray, green). Pegmatite, Dolerite, Basalt etc., Shale, Sand Stone, Lime Stone, Laterite, Quartzite, Gneiss, Schist, Marble, Khondalite and Slate.

JNTUK R20 Engineering Geology Syllabus Unit - 3:
Structural Geology

Strike,  Dip  and  Outcrop  study  of  common  geological  structures  associating with  the  rocks  such  as  Folds,  Faults,  Joints  and  Unconformities-  parts,  types,  mechanism  and  their importance in Civil Engineering.

JNTUK R20 Engineering Geology Syllabus Unit - 4:
Ground Water, Earthquakes and Land Slides

Water table, Cone of depression, Geological controls of Ground Water Movement, Ground Water Exploration Techniques. Earthquakes  and  Land  Slides:  Terminology,  Classification,  causes  and  effects,  Shield  areas  and Seismic bells, Richter scale intensity, Precautions of building constructions in seismic areas. Classification  of  Landslides,  Causes  and  Effects,  measures  to  be  taken  prevent  their  occurrence  at Landslides. Geophysics: Importance of Geophysical methods, Classification, Principles of Geophysical study by Gravity  method,  Magnetic  method,  Electrical  methods,  Seismic  methods,  Radiometric  method  and Electrical resistivity, Seismic refraction methods and Engineering properties of rocks.

JNTUK R20 Engineering Geology Syllabus Unit - 5:
Geology of Dams, Reservoirs and Tunnels

Types and purpose of Dams, Geological considerations in the selection of a Dam site. Geology consideration  for successful constructions of reservoirs, Life of Reservoirs. Purpose of Tunnelling, effects, Lining of Tunnels. Influence of Geology for successful Tunnelling.

JNTUK R20 Engineering Geology Syllabus Course Objectives
  • To introduce the course: Engineering Geology to the Civil Engineering graduates.
  • To enable the students,  understand what minerals and rocks are and their formation and identification.
  • To highlight the significance/  importance/  role of  Engineering  Geology in the construction of  Civil Engineering structures.
  • To enable the student, realize the importance and applications of Engineering Geology in Civil Engineering constructions.
JNTUK R20 Engineering Geology Syllabus Course Outcomes
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar daIdentify and classify the geological minerals 
  • Measure the rock strengths of various rocks 
  • Classify and measure the earthquake prone areas to practice the hazard zonation
  • Classify, monitor and measure the Landslides and subsidence
  • Prepares, analyses and interpret the Engineering Geologic maps
  • Analyses the ground conditions through geophysical surveys.
  • Test  the  geological  material  and  ground  to  check  the  suitability  of  civil  engineering  project construction.
  • Investigate the project site for mega/mini  civil  engineering  projects.  Site  selection  for  mega engineering projects like Dams, Tunnels, disposal sites etc.pibus leo.
JNTUK R20 Engineering Geology Syllabus Referance Books
  • Engineering Geology for Civil Engineers’ by P.C. Varghese, PHI learning pvt. Ltd. 
  • ‘Geology for Engineers and Environmental Society’ by Alan E Kehew, person publications, 3rd edition 
  • ‘Fundamentals of Engineering Geology’ by P.G.Bell, B.S.P. Publications, 2012.
  • ‘Engineering Geology’ by V.Parthesarathi et al., Wiley Publications
  • ‘Environmental Geology’ by K.S.Valdiya, McGraw Hill Publications, 2nded.

Scoring marks in JNTUK R20 Engineering Geology Syllabus

Scoring good grades in Engineering Geology is a difficult task. CynoHub is here to help. We have made a video which will help Engineering Students get rank 1 in their exams this video will help students to score good grades in Engineering Geology. There are many reasons that scoring in exams is difficult so this video will help you to rectify the mistakes students make in exams.

JNTUK R20 Engineering Geology Syllabus was made clear in this article. To know about the syllabus of other Engineering Subjects of JNTUK check out the official CynoHub application.


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