sc JNTUK R20 B.Tech Engineering Drawing and Design Syllabus 2021 – Cynohub


JNTUK R20 B.Tech Engineering Drawing and Design Syllabus 2021

JNTUK Syllabus R20

JNTUK R20 B.Tech Engineering Drawing and Design Syllabus 2021

 JNTUK R20 Engineering Drawing and Design Syllabus 2021 along with Course Objectives and Course outcome and list of text book and reference books is mentioned in this blog. The subject of Engineering Drawing and Design has 5 units in total. Topic and sub-topics of Engineering Drawing and Design is mentioned below in detail. If you have any problem in understanding Engineering Drawing and Design or any other Engineering Subject in any semester or in any year then you can view the video lectures on the official CynoHub app.

JNTUK R20 Engineering Drawing and Design Syllabusm Unit I


Constructing  regular  polygons  by  general  methods,  inscribing  and  describing  polygons  on  circles. 


Parabola, Ellipse and Hyperbola by general and special methods, cycloids, involutes, tangents  and normals for the curves. 


Plain scales, diagonal scales and vernier scales

JNTUK R20 Engineering Drawing and Design Syllabus Unit 2

Orthographic  Projections: 

Reference  plane,  importance  of  reference  lines,  projections  of  points  in  various  quadrants,  projections  of  lines,  line  parallel  to  both  the  planes,  line  parallel  to  one  plane  and  inclined to other plane.  Projections of straight lines inclined to both the planes, determination of true lengths, angle of  inclination and traces.

JNTUK R20 Engineering Drawing and Design Syllabus Unit 3

Projections  of  planes: 

regular  planes  perpendicular/parallel  to  one  reference  plane  and  inclined  to  the  other reference plane; inclined to both the reference planes.

JNTUK R20 Engineering Drawing and Design Syllabus Unit 4

Projections of Solids :

Prisms, Pyramids, Cones and Cylinders with the axis inclined to both the planes.

JNTUK R20 Engineering Drawing and Design Syllabus Unit 5

Conversion  of  isometric  views  to  orthographic  views: 

Conversion  of  orthographic  views  to  isometric  views.

JNTUK R20 Engineering Drawing and Design Syllabus Course Objectives :

Engineering drawing being the principal method of communication for engineers, the  objective  is  to  introduce  the  students,  the  techniques  of  constructing  the  various  types  of  polygons,  curves  and  scales.    The  objective  is  also  to  visualize  and  represent  the  3D  objects  in  2D  planes  with  proper dimensioning, scaling etc.

JNTUK R20 Engineering Drawing and Design Syllabus Course Outcome :

The student will learn how to visualize 2D & 3D objects.

JNUTK R20 Engineering Drawing and Design Syllabus Reference Books:
  • Engineering Drawing by K. L. Narayana & P. Kannaiah, Scitech Publishers, 2011.   
  • Engineering Graphics for Degree by K.C. John, 1st edition, PHI Publishers, 2009.  
  • Engineering Graphics by PI Varghese,  Mc Graw Hill Publishers, 2012.  
  • Engineering Drawing + AutoCAD – K Venugopal, V. Prabhu Raja, 5th edition, New Age,  2011.

Scoring marks in Engineering Drawing and Design Syllabus

Exam Preparation Tips for Engineering Drawing and Design During the time of exams every Btech student starts searching for various materials like Engineering Drawing and Design Important Questions JNTUH, to prepare well for their exams and score good marks. Every student knows how important Engineering Drawing and Design subject is, but what they lack is the information or right knowledge to prepare for that subject. In this blog we have provided sources to find Engineering Drawing and Design Important Questions JNTUH.  The video below will help you score marks in Engineering Drawing and Design.

 JNTUK R20 Engineering Drawing and Design Syllabus Syllabus was made clear in this article. To know about the syllabus of other Engineering Subjects of JNTUK check out the official CynoHub application. Click below to download the CynoHub application.

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