sc JNTUH B.TECH R18 4-1 Syllabus For automation in manufacturing PDF 2022 – Cynohub


JNTUH B.TECH R18 4-1 Syllabus For automation in manufacturing PDF 2022


JNTUH B.TECH R18 4-1 Syllabus For automation in manufacturing PDF 2022

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You will be able to find information about automation in manufacturing along with its Course Objectives and Course outcomes and also a list of textbook and reference books in this blog.You will get to learn a lot of new stuff and resolve a lot of questions you may have regarding automation in manufacturing after reading this blog. automation in manufacturing has 5 units altogether and you will be able to find notes for every unit on the CynoHub app. automation in manufacturing can be learnt easily as long as you have a well planned study schedule and practice all the previous question papers, which are also available on the CynoHub app.

All of the Topic and subtopics related to automation in manufacturing are mentioned below in detail. If you are having a hard time understanding automation in manufacturing or any other Engineering Subject of any semester or year then please watch the video lectures on the official CynoHub app as it has detailed explanations of each and every topic making your engineering experience easy and fun.

automation in manufacturing Unit One


Introduction to MEMS and Micro fabrication: MEMS Roadmap MEMS markets-MEMS foundries- Benefits of Miniaturization -Benefits of Scaling. Micro fabrication: Basic Fabrication Processes– oxidation -film deposition lithography–etching-ion implantation– diffusion.

automation in manufacturing Unit Two


Surface Micromachining and Bulk Micromachining: Surface Micromachining: Basic process flow– release–stiction-material choices-residual stress-Electroplating. Bulk Micromachining: LIGA-Wet Etch- based-dissolved wafer process- SOI MEMS–Scream–MEMS–RIE–DRIE

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automation in manufacturing Unit Three


Mechanics of MEMS Materials: Stress–strain-material properties-measurement & characterization of mechanical parameters. Microstructural Elements: bending moment and strain-flexural rigidity- residual stress boundary conditions-spring combinations.

automation in manufacturing Unit Four


MEMS Devices: Pressure sensors-Accelerometers-Gyroscopes-RF MEMS Switch-Temperature sensors Humidity sensors. Microactuators: Electrostatic–piezoelectric–SMA–Thermoelectric- electromagnetic.

automation in manufacturing Unit Five


Fluid Dynamics and Micro pumps: Viscosity–density-surface tension-continuity equation-Newton’s second law-Navier-Stokes equation and its interpretation-flow types.
Micro fluidics: Electro kinetics electro osmosis–electrophoresis-fabrication methods-Lab ona Chip– micropumps-microvalves.

automation in manufacturing Course Objectives

At the end of this course the student will be able to
Integrate the knowledge of semiconductors and solid mechanics to fabricate MEMS devices.
Understand the rudiments of Micro fabrication techniques.
identify and understand the various sensors and actuators’
different materials used for MEMS
applications of MEMS to disciplines beyond Electrical and Mechanical engineering

automation in manufacturing Course Outcomes

Students will be able to understand working principles of currently available micro sensors, actuators, and motors, valves, pumps, and fluidics used in Microsystems.
Students will be able to apply scaling laws that are used extensively in the conceptual design of micro devices and systems. Students will be able to differentiate between the positive and negative consequences of scaling down certain physical quantities that are pertinent to Microsystems.
Students will be able to use materials for common micro components and devices.
Students will be able to choose a micromachining technique, such as bulk micromachining and surface micromachining for a specific MEMS fabrication process.
Students will be able to understand the basic principles and applications of micro-fabrication processes, such as photolithography, ion implantation, diffusion, oxidation, CVD, PVD, and etching.
Students will be able to consider recent advancements in the field of MEMS and devices.
Students will be able communicate their results and findings orally via formal presentations and in writing through reports.

automation in manufacturing Text Books

MEMS & Microsystems Design and Manufacture/ Tai-Ran Hsu/ Tata Mc Graw Hill
Microelectromechanical Systems / Bhattacharyya / Cengage

automation in manufacturing Reference Books

Foundations of MEMS /Chang Liu / Pearson
MEMS/ Mahalik/ Mc Graw Hill
MEMS and MOEMS Technology and Applications/ PHI
Microsystems Design/ Stephen D. Senturia /Springer
Introductory MEMS – Fabrication and Applications/ Thomas M. Adams and Richard A Layton/ Springer
Microelectronic Devices/ Dipankar Nagchaudhuri/ Pearson Education Asia

Scoring Marks in automation in manufacturing

Scoring a really good grade in automation in manufacturing is a difficult task indeed and CynoHub is here to help!. Please watch the video below and find out how to get 1st rank in your examinations . This video will also inform students on how to score high grades in automation in manufacturing. There are a lot of reasons for getting a bad score in your automation in manufacturing exam and this video will help you rectify your mistakes and help you improve your grades.

Information about JNTUH B.Tech R18 automation in manufacturing was provided in detail in this article. To know more about the syllabus of other Engineering Subjects of JNTUH check out the official CynoHub application. Click below to download the CynoHub application.

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