sc JNTU-K B.TECH R19 4-1 Syllabus For Photovoltaic technology and systems PDF 2022 – Cynohub


JNTU-K B.TECH R19 4-1 Syllabus For Photovoltaic technology and systems PDF 2022


JNTU-K B.TECH R19 4-1 Syllabus For Photovoltaic technology and systems PDF 2022

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You will be able to find information about Photovoltaic technology and systems along with its Course Objectives and Course outcomes and also a list of textbook and reference books in this blog.You will get to learn a lot of new stuff and resolve a lot of questions you may have regarding Photovoltaic technology and systems after reading this blog. Photovoltaic technology and systems has 5 units altogether and you will be able to find notes for every unit on the CynoHub app. Photovoltaic technology and systems can be learnt easily as long as you have a well planned study schedule and practice all the previous question papers, which are also available on the CynoHub app.

All of the Topic and subtopics related to Photovoltaic technology and systems are mentioned below in detail. If you are having a hard time understanding Photovoltaic technology and systems or any other Engineering Subject of any semester or year then please watch the video lectures on the official CynoHub app as it has detailed explanations of each and every topic making your engineering experience easy and fun.

Photovoltaic technology and systems Unit One

Solar PV Technology

Solar PV Technology: Advantages, Limitations, Current Status of PV technology, SWOT analysis of PV technology. Types of Solar Cell, Wafer based Silicon Cell, Thin film amorphaous silicon cell Thin Cadmium telluride (CdTe) Cell, Copper Indium Gallium Selenide (CiGS) Cell, Thin film crystalline silicon solar cell.

Photovoltaic technology and systems Unit Two

Solar Photo Voltaic Module

Solar Photo Voltaic Module: Solar cell, solar module, solar array, series & parallel connections of cell, mismatch in cell, fill factor, effect of solar radiation and temperature on power output of module,I-V and power curve of module.

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Photovoltaic technology and systems Unit Three

Balance of Solar PV

Balance of Solar PV system: Introduction to batteries, battery classification, lead acid battery, Nicked Cadmium battery, comparison of batteries, battery parameters, Charge controller: types of charge controller, function of charge controller, PWM type, MPPT type charge controller.

Photovoltaic technology and systems Unit Four

Converters: DC to DC converter

Converters: DC to DC converter and DC to AC type converter. Application of Solar PV system. Solar home lighting system, solar lantern, solar fencing, solar street light, solar water pumping system, Roof top solar photovoltaic power plant and smart grid.

Photovoltaic technology and systems Unit Five

Study of V-I characteristics

Study of V-I characteristics of solar PV system, smart grid technology and application, manufacturing technique of solar array, different DC to DC and DC to AC converter, domestic solar lighting system, various solar module technologies, Study of Map, Safe measurement of PV modules electrical characteristics and Commissioning of complete solar PV system.

Photovoltaic technology and systems Course Objectives

To enable the students to acquire knowledge on solar photovoltaic system, types of solar cell, solar photovoltaic module, battery classification, types of charge controller, converters and applications of solar photovoltaic system.

Photovoltaic technology and systems Course Outcomes

1.Explain the photovoltaic technology and various materials used for PV cell.
2.Describe the solar photovoltaic modules in PV technology.
3.Apply the knowledge of various batteries for balance of solar PV system.
4.Adopt the knowledge of converters in various applications of solar PV technology.
5.Apply the knowledge of various characteristics of solar PV system design.

Photovoltaic technology and systems Text Books

1.Rai G.D. 1998. Non-conventional Sources of Energy. Khanna Publishers, New Delhi.
2.Rathore N.S., Kurchania A.K., Panwar N.L. 2006. Renewable Energy:Theory & Practice, Himanshu Publications, New Delhi.
3.Solanki C.S. 2011. Solar Photovoltci: Fundamentals, Technologies and Appliations, PH1Learning Private Ltd., New Delhi.

Photovoltaic technology and systems Reference Books

1.Meinel & Meinel. 1976. Applied Solar Energy, Addison-Wesley Educational Publishers Inc., USA.
2.Derrick, Francis and Bookalders. 1991. Solar Photo-voltaic Products, ITDG Publishing, UK.

Scoring Marks in Photovoltaic technology and systems

Scoring a really good grade in Photovoltaic technology and systems is a difficult task indeed and CynoHub is here to help!. Please watch the video below and find out how to get 1st rank in your examinations . This video will also inform students on how to score high grades in Photovoltaic technology and systems. There are a lot of reasons for getting a bad score in your Photovoltaic technology and systems exam and this video will help you rectify your mistakes and help you improve your grades.

Information about JNTU-K B.Tech R19 Photovoltaic technology and systems was provided in detail in this article. To know more about the syllabus of other Engineering Subjects of JNTUH check out the official CynoHub application. Click below to download the CynoHub application.

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