JNTU-K B.TECH R19 4-1 Syllabus For Gis and remote sensing PDF 2022
January 29, 2022 2022-01-29 18:03JNTU-K B.TECH R19 4-1 Syllabus For Gis and remote sensing PDF 2022
JNTU-K B.TECH R19 4-1 Syllabus For Gis and remote sensing PDF 2022
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You will be able to find information about Gis and remote sensing along with its Course Objectives and Course outcomes and also a list of textbook and reference books in this blog.You will get to learn a lot of new stuff and resolve a lot of questions you may have regarding Gis and remote sensing after reading this blog. Gis and remote sensing has 5 units altogether and you will be able to find notes for every unit on the CynoHub app. Gis and remote sensing can be learnt easily as long as you have a well planned study schedule and practice all the previous question papers, which are also available on the CynoHub app.
All of the Topic and subtopics related to Gis and remote sensing are mentioned below in detail. If you are having a hard time understanding Gis and remote sensing or any other Engineering Subject of any semester or year then please watch the video lectures on the official CynoHub app as it has detailed explanations of each and every topic making your engineering experience easy and fun.
Gis and remote sensing Unit One
Remote sensing
Remote sensing: Introduction to Remote Sensing, types of remote sensing, Data acquisition and analysis, Sensors-Remote sensing sensors and applications, important features of Indian Remote Sensing Satellites, Electromagnetic spectrum: Different bands, Resolution, Spectral response Pattern-multi spectral data use, modern remote sensing technology versus conventional aerial photography.
Gis and remote sensing Unit Two
Visual image interpretation
Visual image interpretation: Image interpretation, Basic principles of image interpretation and techniques, Factors governing the quality of an image, Factors governing interpretability, visibility of objects, Elements of image interpretation.
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Gis and remote sensing Unit Three
Digital image processing
Digital image processing-Digital image, pixel, resolution, Image processing overview; Image restoration-Radiometric correction-DN (Digital Number value) –Noise removal and correction, Atmospheric error and correction, Geometric Error and correction. Image enhancement -Contrast manipulation-gray level thresholding-level slicing-contrast stretching, Digital image processing-spatial Feature Manipulation-spatial filtering-convolution edge enhancement.Vegetation Indices: Digital image processing, vegetation components, supervised and unsupervised image classification and output stage data merging,
Gis and remote sensing Unit Four
Remote sensing in agriculture
Remote sensing in agriculture: Progress and prospects of yield assessment, remote sensing application in water resources development, remote sensing in soil conservation, aerial photo interpretation for water resources development and soil conservation survey. Remote sensing in geology and soil mapping.
Gis and remote sensing Unit Five
Geographical Information System
Geographical Information System: History & development of GIS: Definition, Basic components and standard GIS packages. Date entry, storage and maintenance, Data types –spatial, non-spatial (attribute-date), Data structure, data format, point line vector-raster polygon, Object structural model, files, files organization, Data base management, systems (DBMS), Entering data in computer-digitizer-scanner data compression.
Gis and remote sensing Course Objectives
To equip the students with the knowledge on techniques of Remote Sensing and GIS applications for land and water resources management with projections on yield response to irrigation water, mapping of salt affected and waterlogged lands and techniques of image processing for various applications in efficient natural resources management.
Gis and remote sensing Course Outcomes
1.Student will learn about the remote sensing date data acquisition and analysis also the impartment of IRS Satellites 2.Student will know about image interpretation visuals3.Student will learn the digital image processing 4.Student learn the application of RS in agricultural, geology and soil mapping Student will learn the data base management system using various GIS package
Gis and remote sensing Text Books
1.Remote sensing and Geographical information system, BS publications, sultan Bazaar, Hyderabad –3
2.Introduction to Remote sensing, James B and Compell, Published by Taylor & FrancisLimited.
Gis and remote sensing Reference Books
1.Basics of remote Sensing and GIS, University SciencePersons.2.Remote Sensing and GIS by Basudeb Bhatta, Oxford University Persons, NewDelhi.
Scoring Marks in Gis and remote sensing
Scoring a really good grade in Gis and remote sensing is a difficult task indeed and CynoHub is here to help!. Please watch the video below and find out how to get 1st rank in your B.tech examinations . This video will also inform students on how to score high grades in Gis and remote sensing. There are a lot of reasons for getting a bad score in your Gis and remote sensing exam and this video will help you rectify your mistakes and help you improve your grades.
Information about JNTU-K B.Tech R19 Gis and remote sensing was provided in detail in this article. To know more about the syllabus of other Engineering Subjects of JNTUH check out the official CynoHub application. Click below to download the CynoHub application.